In a few days we will begin a new year, 2009. Another year to get it all right. A clean slate. For some a new beginning.
Many will make resolutions. Folks will resolve to lose weight, resolve to do better at their job or in school or maybe some will resolve to quit smoking or drinking. But why not make this the year to lose the personal luggage, drop the baggage, stop harboring bad feelings.
The personal luggage/baggage are those things that other folks have dumped off on you and you have accepted or some that you have created for yourself. It is the stress you experience as you try to not let anyone down. I look at folks everyday and I will tell you some look absolutely miserable, brows are knotted, mouths turned down, they walk with a bend in their back and if some of them walk any slower they will come to a complete stop. I can only think that it must be the weight of the baggage they carry. Maybe the baggage is the feeling (or reality) of being drained by their family or friends. Or, maybe it is not being happy with who they are or where they are in this stage of their life. Maybe it is the disagreement they had with their best friend the last time they saw them years ago.
Instead of resolving to go the gym and eat fewer sweets maybe the next few days should be spent looking inside of yourself to determine what will make you a happier person. It can be as simple as not saying yes to every request that comes your way, being a little selfish of your time that everyone else uses so freely. It could be not overextending yourself and not letting people make you feel guilty about it. You know that feeling if I don't do it what will they do. Well, if you don't do it what will they do? They will find another way to get what they need. While you may feel badly for the moment it passes and is a much better feeling in the long run. You don't consciously or subconsciously resent them, you are not stressed about how you are going to meet the commitment and, the one making the request to begin with has found either they can live without what they were asking for or, they have found another way to get it. First piece of baggage left on the curb.
Maybe it is picking up the phone and calling someone that you have been estranged from, at this point it doesn't matter why you had the fight. It probably has come down to who will be the first one to reach out. And, even if you reach out and they don't reciprocate, at least you made the attempt. Another bag left on the curb.
As you go through the process of introspection find the things that weigh you down and one by one unload them. It won't happen all at once, it may take all year. But if you take the time to identify your baggage and then take the small steps to lighten the load you will find yourself laughing more and stressing less. The headaches will start to fade, it will be easier to stick to that new eating behavior, you'll do better in school or on your job and slowly you will become a happier person. Try it. It works, trust me.
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