You cannot live a double standard. If you are going to be outraged at the senseless killing of Trayvon Martin why aren't you showing the same disdain for three "bored" teens who chose to shoot down a rising start just so they could "see someone die"
Christopher Lane, Australian baseball player, killed by "bored" Okla. teens, police say
Why do we as a people only want to raise a ruckus when we feel the injustice has been done "against" us. Don't you see the loss of credibility here. We should be outraged by this action by these 3 teens adding nothing to society but so willing to take away from it. Let's not make any excuses... i don't give a damn about their upbringing, their hard knocks, their tough times. They are cowards and lack remorse and human conscience.
So I ask you again. Where is your rage. Why are black folks not demonstrating in the street. Why aren't we saying we are sick of senseless violence regardless of who carries out the act and who the victims are. Here is an opportunity for us to stand against violence to push for the swift prosecution of these thugs, to lean out of our windows and shout "we are mad as hell and we aren't going to take it anymore". How come we as a people, as a society are okay to say well this is an everyday killing. We get upset when the perpetrator doesn't get arrested. What kind of bullshit is that. I can't wrap my head around it.
Had the above headline read Christopher Lane, white Australian baseball player, killed by three "bored" black teens wanting to see someone die today.... Where would our/your rage be placed... on the fact that they called these perpetrators for what they are or, the crime.
And then there is the story of Delbert Belton...
As the story of Belton's death traveled far from Spokane — an elderly white man, a World War II vet injured in Japan, killed, police said, by two black teenagers — a vocal contingent has speculated that race could be a factor. They echoed a similar contention about a shooting days earlier in Oklahoma, in which three teenagers are accused in the killing of a college baseball player from Australia as he was jogging.Why did two black teens rob and thn beat an 88 year old man to death. I am sure it probably didn't matter whether this man was black and white, he was an opportunity. This is what should outrage us that we are not in the press saying find them and prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law. These are black teens obviously guilty so let's not get this wrapped up in other arguments about blacks being incarcerated at higher rates etc. This is about the obvious.
Put the double standard to bed and stand up for what is right. Put the double standard to bed and if you are going to be outraged be outraged consistently and for purpose.
If white folks bring this up in this context we would find racism in it somehow someway. Come on black folks it is time to grow up and be even handed when addressing this topic. It cuts both ways. The fact that the media is "playing it down" and black leaders are not voicing their rage is in its own sense racism.
Can't have it both way people. Either you are outraged by senseless crime and violence or, you are not.
Put the double standard to bed.