Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Life Practices at 60+

When I was about to turn 40 there was an article in ESSENCE magazine which outlined the 40 things a woman should experience or own by the time she turns 40. Then came along the movie The Bucket List which again was about listing out those things that you should do before you get too old, too broke or too consumed to experience. So, now that I am getting closer to 70 than 60, and have (so far)survived the coronavirus pandemic my priorities have changed. And, as we have all come to realize tomorrow is not promised it means living in the moment, being present and actually experieincing the experience. So,  I no longer look to check off a  40 by 40 list  or a bucket list but i have a few life practices that I try to incorporate into my every day life....
1.  Embrace retirement;
2.  Take care of my health - physical, spirtitual and mental
3.  Love on my family
4.  Practice my yoga and meditation
5.  Declutter my closet, drawers and home
6.  Watch a movie I can watch over and over and still find funny 
7.  Watch a movie I can watch over and over and still cry at the sad parts
8.  Find my happy place and go there often
9.  Sunday dinners with the family
10.A warm and welcoming home

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