Sunday, October 4, 2009

Land of Broken Toys

How do we fix our broken children. How do we add back the missing ingredients like remorse, accountability and respect to the values that help mold us as children and guide us as adults. I watch a news story on television as they discuss how a group of kids beat a young high school student to death. The reason? No reason. They beat him with two by fours, kicked him and stomped him. Why? Because they could. Because no one tried to stop them. Because other kids stood by, some cheering them on, and watched, and shot videos. Thankfully one witness thought enough to give a copy to the police and as a result most if not all of the assailants have been captured. Now what are the next steps. My first inclination; strap them down and beat them to death. But that is the anger and emotion speaking and makes me no better than the thugs that perpertrated this crime. What I would like to see is justice. I would like to see these "tough guys" stand trial and hear a jury pronounce them guilty and hear a judge sentence them to death, not life without parole but death; perhaps by lethal injection so they can feel the coldness of the lethal mix of drugs coursing through their veins as they know this is their end.
written 10/4/2009

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